编者注:前几日耶鲁大学环境科学硕士的高煜芳童鞋此次带着两名肯尼亚从事大象保护的青年人Resson Kantai和Christopher Kiarie到中国,希望能够与更多中国的公众分享他们所做的研究与工作,介绍非洲象的生存状况和在肯尼亚进行的象群保护工作,让更多的中国人了解遥远的非洲土地上的象群的命运是如何与中国发生关联,应该如何正确地认识复杂象牙贸易背后的问题。他希望能够通过此次的交流行动让更多公众开始关注大象保护议题,也为中国和肯尼亚的环保圈子搭建一座桥梁。



小高、Chris和Resson三人结束了在广州的形成,开始进入福建。他们在福建的第一站是在厦门。厦门的微风音乐酒吧为此次的CAPE Meetup提供了场地支持。


文/Chris Kiarie


昨夜,当我和同事结束演讲,一位听众在提问环节结束后找到我们,说想和我们简单谈谈。当他开始讲话,我们只能看着他,心生敬畏。他在这个地区所拥有的人脉网是如此庞大,如果我们能积极与他的人脉和其他来自这个地区的人互动,一定能实现很多目标。 他分享了听完演讲之后的感想,对此前倡导的方式提出了建议。



英文原文:【Elephant Conservation Tour in China – June 11 – Xiamen】From Chris Kiarie


As I watch a morning program in Xiamen China about how we should take care of our heart, I can’t help but wonder how much success elephant conservation success would have if all the stakeholders were to approach this issue positively ready to reason with each other. The blame game that has been going on lately has only led to more elephants been killed. The heart of solving the crisis elephants are facing is by willful participation and respect for each other’s cultures. Last evening, after presentations by my colleagues and I, one listener approached us after all the people had asked all their questions. He said that he wanted to talk to us briefly. When he started talking, we could only look at each other in awe. The kind of network he has within this part of the country is so big that if we were to engage and other people from this region positively, a lot of good results would be achieved. He shared his thoughts after following the presentations.

He gave his advice on the approach that was been followed. Thinking about it, he made a lot of sense. He asked a rhetorical question: What is the difference between a cat and an elephant? He plainly said that in the Chinese culture, people generally do not have an attachment to animals as westerners have. Understanding this, we would be in a position to tackle the elephant poaching crisis in a better way. He advised that the economic effect of loss of elephants should be brought out in the advertisements that are made.

For people to stop buying ivory, they have to understand the reason why. The reason has to be something the people connect with. China is a country focused on economic growth. Anything that would ruin a country’s economy would obviously matter to the Chinese people. Therefore, the economic effect on African economies which heavily rely on tourism to build their economy would appeal to the Chinese. This could easily make the government more committed. Do you agree?


注:Christopher Kiarie 是环保机构WildlifeDirect的项目翻译,是该机构Hands Off Our Elephants倡导项目的中文翻译。他同时也一直在追踪肯尼亚的野生动物盗猎的犯罪案件。他在肯尼亚莫伊大学(Moi University)学习旅游业和野生动物管理专业,主修法律与政策、基于社区的保护、野生动物管理利用方向。他也曾在重庆师范大学学习中文,拥有高级中文证书(Advanced Certificate in Mandarin)。